Septic system problems can be expensive to repair and can be quite disruptive to the lives of those living in the home. However, the good news is that by following a few simple steps, a homeowner can avoid many of the most common problems that cause septic systems to stop working properly.
Periodic Pumping
Over time, solid materials will build up in the tank of a septic system, causing the system to not work efficiently. To avoid this problem, a septic tank should be pumped every two or three years depending on the size of the tank and the number of people living in the home. In addition to removing solids from the tank, professional companies such as Kamloops Septic Service typically inspect septic tanks for structural issues when the tank is pumped.
Monitor Water Flow
Excessive water entering a septic system can saturate the leach field, making the system not properly drain off sewage waste. For this reason, large amounts of water should not be sent into the system. For example, water drained from a swimming pool should be diverted to another location and not be placed into the septic system.
Avoid Chemicals
Septic systems use bacteria to breakdown the solids in sewage into liquid form so that they can be leached into the soil. The bacteria in a septic system can be harmed by the introduction of large quantities of cleaners and other chemicals. Incidental amounts of bleach and other cleaners will not cause harm, but homeowners need to avoid dumping large amounts of chemicals into the system.
No Trash
Septic systems are designed to process sewage and septic approved materials such as toilet paper. Other items should not be flushed down the toilet as they may clog the system or otherwise cause problems. Some examples of items that may clog a septic system include cigarette butts, kitchen grease and food waste.
Avoid Compaction
Septic systems work by allowing the fluid that leaves the septic tank to drain into the soil surrounding the leach field. For this reason, it is important that cars, trucks and other heavy equipment not be driven over the leach field as the weight will compact the soil making it less able to absorb liquids.
Remove Vegetation
The roots from trees, shrubs and other plants can damage septic system by blocking off or breaking the drain lines. To avoid this problem, homeowners should be certain to only allow grass to grow on or hear the leach field. Trees and other large plants should be removed from the area before the leach field is installed.