The number of ways in which people can access the internet has increased significantly in recent years. Things have certainly changed since the days of desktop computers using dial-up connections. Now it is possible to go online from almost anywhere with the help of technically advanced smartphones and tablets. In the light of this, it is now vital for anyone who owns a website to ensure that it is mobile-friendly.
Major Google Changes
As reported by both the BBC and the Guardian, Google recently announced changes to the algorithm it uses to calculate search engine results. Although the company often makes tweaks to how websites are ranked, this latest algorithm change is sure to have a major impact. Now where a website is ranked on Google’s search engine pages will very much depend on how mobile-friendly that site is. The search engine giant has estimated that over half of all searches are now conducted from a mobile device such as a tablet or smartphone, which is why sites that have embraced the mobile revolution will now be rewarded.
If you are not sure whether your site is mobile-friendly or not, there is no need to panic just yet. Google have created a free webmaster tool which analyses a URL to ascertain whether it is suitable for mobile viewing. Failing that, just bring your own site up on a mobile device. If you are having trouble navigating or even reading the pages, then you will need to make some changes.
Tips for Mobile-Friendly Websites
All reliable web solution companies, such as Big Media House, who provide web design in Milton Keynes amongst other services, will be able to assist in ensuring a website is mobile-friendly. However, if you want to do it for yourself, there are a number of simple changes you can make.
For a website to display effectively on a mobile screen, the overall design needs to be relatively simple. This means cutting down on fancy graphics and videos to reduce the amount of time your pages take to load. Text should also be limited to essential information, as mobile users are far more likely to scroll past the majority of content anyway. As mobile screens are smaller, it is important to make the average font size a little larger to make text more easily readable. Additionally, any navigation buttons should also be on the large side – certainly big enough to accommodate the average human thumb.
If you wish to include images on your mobile-friendly site, it is wise to remember that the resolution of mobile screens is different to that of fixed devices such as laptops. Images of a lower resolution that have been optimised for mobile use will work far better than high-resolution pictures. Using mobile-optimised images will also help greatly with the speed in which your site will load on a user’s device.
Take the time to check out your website now, or you could find yourself plummeting down the Google rankings.