If you’re awaiting the arrival of your first child then you better be ready for some huge changes. Sleep deprivation once you become a new parent is a huge issue so the more you can do in advance to get ready is always a good idea. Below we’ve collected together some of the best ways to prepare for the arrival of your new baby without spending a fortune.
Slow Down
Even if you’re used to a busy, hectic lifestyle, the best thing you can do to prepare for your new child is to slow down. Soon your entire life will be turned upside down so the few months before their arrival shouldn’t be packed out with to-do lists, they should be spent using your rest time to do just that, rest.
Make Friends not Lists
Once your new baby arrives you’ll want a strong support network around you and the sooner you start building one the better. Make friends with your neighbour with their own young children and pick up tips. Get to know the girls in your antenatal class and then once your baby arrives you’ll be equipped with some knowledge to help them through their first few months as peacefully as possible.
Make a Saving
Your baby won’t know whether it’s wearing Calvin Klein or C&A so you shouldn’t stress either. Make the most of the pre-loved goodies that people want to give you as nothing lasts for long. Items such as a Moses basket and baby bath will only last a few short months so there is really no point buying new unless you can’t source a second hand alternative.
Clear Out
If you’ve been looking for a reason for that big clear out this is it. You can finally get your spare rooms in order, clear out the clutter and even sell stuff for cash to put towards your baby fund. Of course make sure other people are doing the heavy lifting and the hard work but take up the position of project manager.
Perfection isn’t everything. Your baby will be in your room with you for the first six months at least so don’t get het up about ensuring the nursery is like something out of a catalogue. Once your baby is here you’ll find it very hard to relax and unwind, you have a new person to look after, so enjoy the relaxation whilst you can.
Sleep deprivation is part and parcel of the first few months of parenthood so guard against it with as much extra sleep as you can muster beforehand. Taking extra-long lie-ins at weekends and just grabbing a nap whenever you can manage it will serve you in good stead for the most amazing experience of your life when your child arrives.
Getting ready for a new arrival is expensive but there are plenty of things you can do to prepare that don’t cost the earth. Try out all of these suggestions to be relaxed and stress free throughout the preparation for your new arrival.