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How To Get More In Less Time: Productivity Lessons

How To Get More In Less Time: Productivity Lessons

Are you always struggling to get things done in time? You still have many emails to respond to or tasks that you are yet to work on, and somehow time is running out. Though you may feel like you are doing your best, it still isn’t enough.

Twenty four hours in a single day seems like a lot, but when you factor in the tasks you have to accomplish, it still isn’t much. You have a personal statement graduate school engineering, to work on and books to read. How does one increase their productivity?

• Create a To-Do List

It shouldn’t just be an outline of the duties that you have in a day. You should also come up with a system that works for you. For instance, you could work on the tasks at hand, according to their levels of importance.

Develop a routine, where you write the list before the day begins. You can also plan your schedule, even weeks prior. It will help you start on the essential tasks, right from the start.

• Measure Results

Putting in more hours doesn’t translate to getting things done. You need to work smart, too. Evaluate your productivity by what you accomplish and not the time you take. If you are working on a big project, break it down into smaller and doable sections.

Work on this small subsections, and checking off the tasks on your checklist, upon completion. It can also apply to drafting your personal statement financial engineering.

• Factor in your Lazy Hours

We all have times when our adrenaline flows like crazy, and we can work on anything without complaining. It could be in the wee hours of the morning or later in the evening. Find out what works for you.

When you know the times when you just can’t work on anything significant, you can factor it into your schedule. Thus you assign tasks to the time when you can work. Personally, by 4 pm, I am often exhausted and can’t work on any problematic tasks.

I may finish the job, but rest assured, it will be out of whack. And more so, I haven’t done anything productive until that time.

• Emphasis on what you Accomplish

You could be busy the whole day but at the end of it all, have nothing to show for it. That’s the difference between being busy and one who is productive. The things you accomplish in the time you have is what determines whether you are productive.

Rather than waste time checking emails, chatting with co-workers, do something about the pending work you have. Make your time, though limited, count.

• Routine to Start Working

The deadline is fast approaching, and you are yet to finish the first draft of your financial engineering personal statement. What do you do? Panic hits and stress sums it all up. Create a routine that directs your body that it is time to work.

Otherwise, you will find yourself procrastinating. And before you realize it, the time is up, and you have nothing to show for it. Try turning off your phone or getting coffee.


You can still accomplish more with less time. Learn how by going through the outlines lessons on productivity.