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17 Best Essay Writing Tips from Expert Writers

As human beings, we seek unprecedented growth in all aspects of our life especially in terms of our career. As writers when we hold the pen in our hands or seat in front of the keyboard we have the power, the power that makes us invincible because we bring light to people through our writing, evoke the reader’s emotions and touch all his senses. But reaching this stage requires embarking on a journey that goes through continuous improvement for acquiring the relevant writing skills. In this article, I have compiled some tips for the expert in the field to provide you nurturance on essay writing tips that will enhance your written pieces.

Tip 1: Selection of a distinctive topic

Selection of the right topic plays a key role in determining the strength or power our essay holds. Choose a topic that you find interesting so that you don’t lose the interest along the way.

Tip 2: Choose a writing style

Every writer posse’s different writing style. Some writing style is a dominating one, some try to use persuasive writing style while most prefer to hint their personality in the writing. Decide on the writing style that best suits you to make your writing more productive.

Tip 3: Do reference along the way

The authenticity of an essay is checked by the references that are cited in it. At times we tend to lose the links o sources, therefore, it is advised to organize references along the way.

Tip 4: Get your essay prune to long sentences

Writing long sentences and paragraphs affects the effectiveness of an essay. They tend to make the essay boring for the reader, therefore, use short sentences to make it more influential.

Tip 5: Get to introduction and conclusion at the end

The introduction and conclusion consume most of our time to because we are aiming for producing an interesting persuasive start.

Tip 6: Watch out those typos

One best way to make your paper typos free is to read it backward. It is one of the most effective ways of making your paper error-free.

Tip 7: Be on a lookout for grammatical error

Nothing impacts a paper more than the grammar. An essay incorporating poor grammar weakens it despite the phenomenal ideas. Therefore, watch out for these errors.

Tip 8: Spot the repetitive ideas

Repeating the same idea over and over again makes the written piece lose its charm. While proofreading, identify all such idea and delete the one that adds nothing to it.

Tip 9: Punctuation

Commas and full stops play an important role in comprehending the text written. Putting few commas make the sentence long and difficult for the reader to understand, whereas, using many make commas break the sentence which makes it odd while reading. Maintain a balance while using punctuation in your essay.

Tip 10: Avoid plagiarism

Eliminate the practice of copy-pasting ideas; instead, come up with an original content. The internet serves as a great temptation but avoids it in order to make it authentic.

Tip 11: Keep the essay concise

Keeping the essay concise helps to hold the reader’s attention and build the better understanding of the concepts discussed.

Tip 12: Good Formatting style

A good formatting means that your essay is well organized and doesn’t look disoriented

Tip 13: Remove all the distraction

Set aside your tablets, phones and more stuff that distracts you from writing. Put them in a box ideally to be completely focused and get it done on time.

Tip 14: Add a personal opinion

Personal opinions add an element of reliability in the essay and make the writing more authentic.

Tip 15: Proofread

Proofreading the essay written is very important for getting rid of all the mistakes made it. Getting it proofread with a third person is an effective way of identifying the mistakes.

Tip 16: Edit

What’s the point of proofreading if you don’t plan to make the necessary corrections, so edit the essay?

Tip 17: Reward yourself

Once you have written the essay keeping all these things in consideration, reward yourself. Do things that make you happy and refresh yourself.

Following tips will help you in enhancing your essay writing skills.

Author Bio

Erica Cohen is a Freelance Content Writer. She has helped thousands of students in academic writinNowadaysays she works at essay writing service firm where she deals with writing projects of college and University.