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Because You Embarrass Them: 5 Activities That Will Make You The Cool Parent

As a parent, it can feel like your job is to embarrass your children. However, if you’re ready to be the cool parent, at least in their eyes, there’s a couple activities you may want to consider adding to your arsenal.

Dance Party

Take a home dance party to the next level by creating the atmosphere of a real club. Many local DJs do house parties, and lighting rental centers offer a wide range of portable club-style lighting that in many cases is plug-and-play for easy setup and operation. Feel free to ask the DJ to adjust his selections to the age of the guests and standards of your home, you’ll still look like a rock star parent by the end of the night.

Water Day

You don’t have to own a boat or other personal water crafts in order to plan an incredible day on the water. Nowadays you can rent everything from water skiing boats and accessories to canoes and paddle boats.


Airsofting is a popular sport that acts similar to paintball or laser tag, but uses specially designed air soft guns and pellets. These guns shoot non-metallic pellets at a rate of 110 to 170 meters per second, depending on the gun and where the sport is played. Like paintball, the goal of airsofting is to use strategy to hit your opponents. Airsoft pellets typically only sting, so even if you’re a mom, you can still be “one of the guys” for the day without too much worry.


A camping trip is a great way to get your kids outdoors while earning you extra parent points. Make sure you have plenty of options for activities, whether fishing, hiking, games or sports, to keep your kids busy and active, as well as prevent boredom.

Spa Day

A spa day is the perfect way to bond with your child while getting a little pampering yourself. Increasingly more spas have products designed specifically for younger clients, as well as packaged deals for parents to hit the spa with their children. If you want to get your child’s friends involved, consider a spa party. Either put the components together yourself, or hire a company that specializes in bringing the spa to your home.

While being the cool parent is important, it’s also important to still be a parent. This means following all safety precautions, rules and laws to keep your children and their friends safe, while still having fun at the same time.

Kandace Heller is a freelance writer from Orlando, Florida. In her free time, Kandace enjoys reading, writing and going to the beach. Kandace found information from We Got Better Deals useful while writing this article.