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5 Ways Women Still Aren’t Equal In The Workplace

Women have made tremendous strides in the workplace in recent decades, and, in many ways, they’ve reach parity with their male counterparts. However, women still face a number of challenges men do not, and experts agree that there are still areas where women are not yet equal. Here are five ways women still aren’t equal in the workplace.

Pay Equality

Measuring the difference in pay between male and female workers is notoriously challenging, and eliminating confounding factors can be difficult. While rates of pay have become more equal over time, there is still a difference in pay that cannot be explained by any known factors. Most studies agree that the pay gap has become much smaller, but few experts dispute that it doesn’t exist in certain fields.

Lack of Representation

Some fields are still dominated by men, which causes a number of problems for women. The “impostor syndrome,” experienced by many women, is a feeling that they don’t belong. While this problem can be difficult to solve at individual workplaces, helping female employees get in touch with others in their field can help. Non-discrimination policies can help women know that they have recourses available should fellow employees behave inappropriately.

Sexual Harassment

Some men encounter sexual harassment at work, but most victims are women. Employee education can help reduce the likelihood of sexual harassment, and thorough policies that are enforced can help as well. When dealing with sexual harassment policies, it can help to speak with experts like those at the law offices of Mark A. Osman.

Casual Sexism

Some men don’t realize that certain jokes and statements are often regarded as sexist. Jokes and comments that male workers may find innocuous might be viewed as demeaning by female workers. Again, employee education can help, and policies that are enforced can help teach employees not to cross certain lines.

Character Judgments

Unfortunately, many people still judge women based on their appearance, and these judgments can have a significant effect in the workplace. Employees, managers and others should ensure that they make no internal judgments or statements based on how employees dress. While dress codes can be useful, women should be judged based on their performance.

Today’s workplaces are far more comfortable than those of the past, but some problems still persist. While most metrics of equality have shown consistent strides toward equality, owners, managers and other employees should be aware that problems remain.