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Gaining Experience and Education At Once


When it comes to heading out into the marketplace and finding work, making oneself as attractive as possible to potential employers is the key. Unless you’re ready to take on the risk, cost and difficulty of starting an enterprise on your own, you’ll want to develop a resume with which you can show that you’re qualified and ready to take on work.

Putting that on paper in a way that holds weight, however, can be a real challenge. The best way, is through your displayed workload.

Juggling the College and Work Life

One asset some employers look for is work experience during schooling – someone who was able to hold an industry-relevant job while taking their Masters degree in Public Relations has the time management skills and self-discipline needed to both learn and work and do both with sufficient skill, dedication and focus to hold a specialized job or industry-specific internship and finish a degree.

Reputable online colleges like CBU Online help make this possible, although you don’t necessarily have to resort to distance learning to achieve that balance. On-campus education, however, can be more of a challenge and a commitment – especially on the basis of scheduling.

Then there’s the fact that not everyone going to college for a tertiary education is headed there because they just got out of high school and are looking to enter the marketplace. Plenty are realizing the potential earnings increases they could achieve by finishing their education and getting that degree in their field of work, opening up better salaries and bigger positions for the rest of their careers.

In fact, as per NBC News, research shows that there is a significant – and growing – demographic of college students 25 years old and older, with some students being relatively close to retirement, and others heading to school towards the middle of their working adult life. These make up about 40 percent of the student population, and the number is growing.

These aren’t whimsical, spontaneous decisions to just head back to school for a piece of paper – the statistics show that having a college diploma can be enough to guarantee a much wider and larger list of career options and higher salaries, regardless of how late a student graduates.

Finding a Way

As many as 70 percent of college students as per CNBC work their way through college – or in the very least, hold some kind of job to cover their costs while living on-campus. However, some of these costs can be slashed through a distance learning program. This is especially true with the growing reputation of online diplomas, which allow students to keep their schedules flexible and organize a life with work and school taken into account.

By reducing some work responsibilities or none at all, members of the workforce can get into an online college program and continue to earn money whilst working on finishing their education – and netting themselves a better position in the future. From an accredited college, an online degree is becoming more worth it as per a 2013 survey from Health eCareers regarding Nursing graduates.

The biggest issue then becomes organizing your time and finances into the short-term future to deal with the cost of college – and with the right time and financial management, the consequences of a student loan or tuition costs can be negated soon after graduation.