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Few Places You Should Always Include In Your Mumbai Trip

Few Places You Should Always Include In Your Mumbai Trip

While travelling to a place like Mumbai, it is always better to plan up an itinerary. Mentioned here are some of the famous and most visited places in the city, you should always include in your Mumbai trip. If you’re coming from far off cities, then checking the, say, Chandigarh to Mumbai flights fare, is also advised.

Gateway of India – What could be a more suitable way to start your journey than from the ‘entry’ to the port of Mumbai? The ceremonial arch was constructed to commemorate the visit of King George V and Queen Mary for the Delhi Durbar in 1911. Built in honey-coloured basalt, the gateway was designed by George Wittet, inspired from the 16th century Gujarati style of architecture. The transforming imagery of the setting and rising sun gives diverse tints of pink, and gold to the Gateway, which is really fascinating. Historically, the Gateway of India holds greater importance as the last of the British troops which left independent India by sea, marched under its arches. The spot sees a heavy tourist footfall and to be on a safer side, it is always advised to plan your tour well before hand. You can check for, say, Chandigarh to Mumbai flights fare and other options before starting your tour.

Victoria Terminus – Mumbai’s Victoria Terminus is not just a simple railway station; it’s a notable city centre around which the metro life thrives. Constructed from granite and yellow sandstone, it’s among the best examples of British Raj structures. Joining the components which can be of Victorian and Gothic in nature, it is embellished with blue-grey basalt that which has been sculptured in fine detail. The attractive building might have continued to serve as a railway station, but it was converted into a public art gallery which showcases some of the best contemporary art.

Mani Bhavan – The building where Mahatma Gandhi stayed during his regular visits to Bombay, has been turned into a small museum. It was the home of Indian National Congress supporter Revashankar Jhaveri, who was also a diamond retailer. Gandhi’s simple room stays untouched and includes a little more than his hallmark charkha and charpoy. It is stated that this is where the Mahatma learned the best way to make use of the spinning wheel, which became a vital element of his doctrine. There is also a library containing books of Gandhian literature, as well as a cupboard marked ‘Publications Read By Gandhi’ which contains tons of Shakespeare and Tolstoy and a copy of Les Miserables. The remaining museum is dedicated to photographic displays, framed letters and 3D tableaux of vital events in Gandhi’s life.

National Gallery of Modern Art – The National Gallery of Modern Art in Mumbai showcases tons of modern Indian art of a superior quality. The museum also features an assortment of some of the really fascinating bits of artwork other than the paintings. Earlier known as Sir Cowasji Jehangir Public Hall, it should definitely be included in your itinerary, if you love exploring more about art and artists.