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How Students With Learning Disabilities Can Survive and Thrive in College?

Not everyone has proper learning ability and freshmen with learning disabilities often need a specialized support system. In fact, these students may need twice the support or perhaps more than normal students. There are also demands that these students need to encounter. In many cases, students with learning disabilities can be easily overwhelmed by normal burden imposed to regular students. Regardless of their situations, these students should still be able to adopt a well-devised plan, which could help them to use a set of strategies and skills to achieve their goals. With proper encouragement, these students should still be well motivated to learn and succeed. However, for these students, motivation and interests are not enough. Without proper support, these students won’t be able to succeed in the college. They often have less than adequate math, writing and reading skills. In some cases, their memory retention capability could also be inadequate. In order to improve their chance of obtaining success in the college, it is important for the to choose an appropriate major. They may also need to take an extra class to further improve their capabilities. Lack of proper basic skills could become a thorn in the side. Students with learning disabilities won’t only survive, but can also thrive in college with proper supports and encouragement. When starting a new year in the college, students should be undergo psychoeducational tests to make sure that students are truly able to perform in an appropriate manner with enough support and encouragement.

The college will also be notified about the struggling student’s weaknesses and strengths. They need to know whether these students need special accommodations and extra services. Proper documentation should be submitted and regular communication will need to be established. Students will need to have balanced schedule before they are enrolled. Demanding classes should be balanced and we should make sure that our study burden can be eased. The syllabus for each semester and class should also be checked. Students need to have proper preparation to make sure that they are able to better perform in colleges.

Professors should be notified about student’s learning issues and it could be necessary to inform them about the necessity of special support. Students who have learning disabilities will need to introduce themselves to professors and college staff. They need to explain about their weaknesses, if they want to have better success in the class. Students with learning disabilities will need to have extra discipline, such as attending all classes. High rate of absence could make things harder not only for struggling students, but also regular students. It means that absence will affect struggling students more than regular students. Students with learning disabilities should learn to become highly disciplined, because the failure to do so could cause a downward spiral in educational performance. It is important for students to avoid digging themselves in a deep hole. It shhould be possible for students with learning disabilities to survive and thrive in the college.