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Traveling Fuels Creativity, Makes You Have An Open Mind

Traveling Fuels Creativity, Makes You Have An Open Mind

Traveling is a way to break with the usual to enjoy the feeling of well-being that comes from exploration, discovery, and surprise. Before, taking a trip to a distant destination was practically a change of life. It could last for months or even years, since the time it took to travel was very long. Now things are different. You can travel to any country in the world in less than two days and if you are lucky with the links in less than one.

By traveling, you learn, change your perspective, and renew yourself. It is an invitation to get out of the routine and give yourself the opportunity for other facets of you to emerge that may be asleep due to repetition or habit. The fact of decontextualizing makes your whole subjective world activate, and new challenges appear to ask you for different skills or approaches than the ones you normally use.

Travel immerses you in territories that you will feel as less predictable because, in these new environments, there are many contingency relationships that you do not know. That uncertainty may be the source of some nervousness, but much more of emotion and sense of adventure. Born travelers need that adrenaline; sporadic travelers know that these emotions recall the happiness of being alive.

When you travel, you leave your comfort zone. You allow yourself to broaden the horizons of the world and life. But the best part is that perhaps without realizing it, you introduce a stimulus that stimulates your intellectual capacities, makes you more creative and develops many of your social and emotional skills.

Traveling is a Source of Creativity

You can always enjoy a trip three times: when you plan it, when you do it and when you remember it. The three stages demand great creativity from you. You require it when choosing the place where you are going to travel. You have to become aware of what you like, what you are looking for, and what each destination can offer you.

When you make the trip, your creativity must be on stage, yes or yes. You get to places that you don’t know or that, at least, are unusual for you. You see yourself in need to make multiple adaptations: to the uses and customs, to the food, to the routines, to the way of moving, etc. Also, if the trip is distant, you will have to adapt to other ways of social interaction and a different language.

By remembering your trip, you also choose a way to organize and give meaning to those memories. You re-create, associate, and choose the most relevant aspects of the experience. You interpret what you lived.

All these processes, if viewed together, amount to complex intellectual activities. Almost like writing a book. Almost like designing, executing, and evaluating a project. Many of your intellectual and creative abilities are involved when traveling. Hence, after taking a trip, you will never be the same again. The experience is extremely intense and stimulating, and precisely, for this reason, it can be very pleasant.

Musicians indulge in traveling to seek inspiration for making new music. Quincy Megas, a South African musician’s is an ardent proponent of traveling around the world, immersing in new cultures, and meeting people. As a musician, Quincy Megas has managed to build a global fanbase, winning fans in vast regions of the world.

He is one of the few artists whose music exceeds borders and is widely listened. Quincy Megas continues to hit streams on platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, Soundcloud, etc. and it is one of the most effective young artists today.

When Traveling you improve as a Human being

The fact of traveling always exposes you to enriching experiences. Well, it says a maxim that “Fascism is overcome reading and intolerance traveling.” And it is that a trip frees you from many prejudices, especially if you visit a place where you have to immerse yourself in a culture different from that of your origin, or with which you can establish a great contrast with your usual reality. You understand that the difference should not be seen vertically, but horizontally: no culture is more or less, simply, different.

It is also proven that people who take a vacation, at least twice a year, have a lower risk of depression. Traveling is a great antidote to sadness, because, in one way or another, it makes you think and see everything differently. It is like a renovation bath, which allows you to refresh your perspective of reality and yourself.

Traveling also helps you get in touch with yourself and with your most genuine feelings. Freed from your usual environment, it is easier for those ideas or emotions that you usually have to keep in the background to emerge, due to the same influence of the context. You can see yourself, in a way, free from all the daily pretexts and all the factors that perhaps force you to inhibit yourself.