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Tips for an easy moving season


Moving season is here. Are you taking on the monumental task this year? Yes, the thought of moving seems overwhelming, but if you’re detailed and take it one step at a time, you can do it! As you get started, the following checklist might help.

Be a list maker

Don’t limit your list making to one to-do list. Make lists for what’s going into your boxes. Be as specific as possible. Gather these lists in a spiral notebook so you can find exactly what you need the first night in your new house.It’s common to get overwhelmed when moving. To avoid this feeling, make a checklist of what needs to be accomplished. This will keep you focused and help you appreciate checking completed items off that list.

Gather your supplies

Purchase plenty of moving supplies to assure you won’t run out. Boxes are first on that list. You’ll need more than you think. Buy some from a moving company, borrow from a friend or check your local grocer for their extra produce boxes. Keep at least 10 set aside for the last minute items you’ll need to pack. Stock up on packing tape, newspaper to wrap valuables and permanent markers to label boxes.

Color code your home

Designate a different color for every room of your home. Label each box with its designated room color using a corresponding sticker. When you arrive at your new home, put a colored sticker in each room so the movers know exactly where to place the items. It may seem logical to you that the front living room is the sitting room, but if your movers mistake it for the dining room, you’ll have a mess when you start unpacking. Color coding each box and each room makes moving more organized for everyone.

Keep small items with big items

Use baggies and tape to keep small items with their corresponding big item. Your entertainment system has cords and connectors that can be easily misplaced. Put these smaller items in a zip top bag and tape it to the back of the TV. Do the same thing with the hardware for furniture and hanging wall art. Keeping items that belong together as one unit makes unpacking run smoother.

Protect valuables

Wrap up any fragile items before packing. Purchase dedicated storage boxes for large valuables. For instance, the box your artificial Christmas tree came in is most likely too flimsy to use another year. Consider a storage container made for a Christmas tree to protect your holiday investment.

Pack early

As soon as you know you’re moving, start packing the things you don’t need on a day to day basis. The week you move is too late to start packing unless you can dedicate every moment to the packing process. Start as early as possible.

Use luggage for clothes

If you’re running low on boxes, stash clothing in your suitcases. You’ll need to take your suitcases with you so they might as well be filling them with something. If you have a pre-existing plan for packing your clothes, consider using the suitcases for towels or linens.

Keep papers out

Paperwork is vital to the moving process. Have a dedicated box or file folder for important papers. Keep it accessible. This will help keep legal paperwork organized as you move.

Yes, moving is stressful. While you can’t take away all of this stress, you can minimize it by being as organized as possible. So start making your lists, checking them twice and packing up your home. Soon you will be enjoying your new space.