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4 Ways to Simplify Life as a Working Mom

Working moms are superheroes. You go to work, do a great job, take care of the kids, take care of the house, and so much more. When you’re so busy that you don’t have any time for yourself, it’s time to take the necessary steps to simplify everything and streamline your home and work lives.

Find Yourself a Day Planner

Image via Flickr by Jess Gambacurta

A day planner, a filing system, a calendar—discover whatever you need to keep all of your appointments in one place. Schedule everything the moment you find out about it, so if the boss asks you to work late on the same day as your daughter’s band concert, you’ll know right away.

By having a day planner, you’ll stay much more organized. Keep track of everything from grocery visits to dental appointments to big project due dates. As a result, you’ll find it easier to budget your time.

Multitask the Right Way

Image via Flickr by priscilla

Many people who multitask don’t do it correctly. They do a bit of work on several projects but never finish anything. Learn how to multitask properly and effectively by using your handy schedule.

For instance, make time to shop for a used car on the day you have to drop your son off at his karate class. Schedule grocery shopping, a haircut, and a trip to the hardware store not just on the same day but in the same area as well. Pay your bills on your smartphone, laptop, or tablet while you’re eating lunch at work.

Create a Streamlined Routine

Creating a routine for yourself will simplify your life so much. Sometimes things come up, so you always have to leave room for the unexpected. For the most part, however, a routine will improve life for you, your family, and even your coworkers. Make a regular routine for:

These are just a few examples, but by knowing what you need to do on any given day, you can schedule things without a problem. If you need to, you can even share parts of your routine with your boss ahead of time, especially if it includes regular, important activities with your family.

Start Doing Things Ahead of Time

Image via Flickr by Shreyans Bhansali

This seems easier said than done, but it’s simple when you do it right. For instance, at night, plan your outfit for the next day, get all of your essentials in or beside your handbag, and pack up your briefcase with everything you need for work. When you’re making certain kinds of meals, make double the recipe so that you can freeze the rest for a day you don’t want to cook or won’t get home for dinner. Buy things in bulk, make extra copies at work, plan your projects ahead of time, and make life easier through proactive thinking.

Working moms deserve awards for all the tasks they tackle in one day, but they can still easily simplify. What do you do to make life run more smoothly?