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Weird And Wonderful Plastic Surgeries Across The Globe

Millions of people around the world opt for plastic surgery each year. As a result, aesthetic surgery is now perceived as quite normal, and little attention is paid when people decide to undergo cosmetic procedures. Having said that, a minority of people use plastic surgery to an extreme degree – and these rare cases still have the power to shock. Here are some of the weirdest:
Weird And Wonderful Plastic Surgeries Across The Globe
1. Becoming your favourite superhero
A young Filipino man, Herbert Chavez, has spent his adult life undergoing a series of operations and procedures in order to become more like his childhood hero, Superman. This has included a nose job, chin and cheek augmentations and injections to make his skin look whiter. He’s also had work to make the proportions to his body closer to Superman’s, with his next plan to have metal inserts in his legs to increase his height.

With his Superman costume he uses his new look to bring happiness to the children in his local community, he says.

2. Copying celebrities
It’s common for patients to take along magazines to consultations to point out a type of look or particular feature that they are hoping to achieve through surgery, and this can often be based on celebrities. Some take this further though and appear to morph in to their desired celebrity.

A well-known example is American “Octomum” Nadya Suleman becoming more and more like Angelina Jolie. Already famous for her huge brood, the single Mum now draws attention for her increasing similarity to the other famous Mum-of-many.

3. Emulating an animal

There’s a small but steadily growing number of ‘furry fans’ – people who feel a kindred spirit with a particular animal. Some take it to extremes and use plastic surgery and other body modifications to literally become their chosen animal. Famous examples include Eric Sprague AKA Lizard Man, and Cat Man, previously known as Dennis Avner (who sadly passed away last year).

4. Human dolls
Last year American Justin Jedlica and Ukranian model Valeria Lukyanova achieved worldwide fame through their dedication to becoming ‘doll like’. Justin appeared on US show ‘Extreme Makeovers’ and revealed his $100,000+ spend on over 100 procedures. These included chest, bicep and abdominal implants as well as facial work such as rhinoplasty and a chin augmentation. As a result of this extreme commitment to surgery he drew the moniker ‘Ken’, after the doll.

Valeria meanwhile has been likened to Ken’s other half, Barbie, yet denies undertaking multiple surgeries to achieve her look. With a diminutive waist and tiny doll-like nose and rose bud lips it’s hard to believe she has only gone under the knife for her breast implants – the only procedure that she has admitted to.

Plastic Surgeon Adrian Richards, who offers breast implants at his own group of clinics in the UK, says:

“It would be impossible for Valeria to deny her breast implants as they are very obviously different in size and shape from her previous breasts. Her other transformations she puts down to trickery with make-up; I’m inclined to suspect this is being economical with the truth.”

Other wacky surgeries include a British woman who has spent over £20,000 in ‘becoming’ ancient Egyptian Queen Nefertiti, and twins who have undertaken procedures at the same time in order to remain identical.

by Dani Porter. Dani is a freelance writer who specialises in the beauty industry, in particular aesthetic surgery and procedures.