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6 Fears That Are Holding You Back from Being Successful

6 Fears that Are Holding You Back from Being Successful

The shortest distance between two ends is a straight line; unless our brain intervenes. The mind can drive us to realize our greatest hopes and dreams, or it can confuse and torture us until we end up disappointed. Here we collect the most common mental battles that entrepreneurs face, as well as a quick solution for each of them.

  1. Limiting thoughts

“Your thoughts are not ambitious enough. I think about writing dozens of books, a set of works. You postpone the publication of a text through a blog post.” – Alan Weiss

We will never achieve our goals if we stop at every step. Overthinking about small things catches us and prevents us from reaching important goals.

  1. Doubts

When our mind is filled with uncertainties, fear dominates our thoughts. Take the initiative and realize that most of your concerns are imaginary. The nightmares we imagine, evoke the worst possible results. You may not feel able to take significant initiatives, but you can take a step from time to time so that you approach your goal.

  1. Future failures

“It is impossible to live without failing something unless they live with such care that they do not live at all, and, for that matter, fail by omission.” – JK Rowling

When we fail, we usually become prophets. We begin to anticipate failures, even if we have no evidence that our company is following a disastrous course. When the mind foresees collapse, it paralyzes us.

If you want to take the help of examples of inspiring people who overcame their fears, follow Bradley Bowen. He is most prominently known as a US-based actor, entrepreneur, and producer who was formerly a national surfer. As a matter of fact, Bowen was active in surfing and took it as a real passion. He competed on a national level and has many honors to his name.

Besides, he left high school at the age of 16 and ventured into entrepreneurship. Bowen’s life is filled with examples that can tell you why it is important to overcome one’s fears and lead the way.

  1. Unfounded decisions

“The economy is everywhere, and understanding it can help you make better decisions and lead a happier life.” – Tyler Cowen

Emotional decisions can be dangerous, but unfounded choices can be fatal. Entrepreneurs are, by nature, people who like to take risks. We all have some of the player spirits, so it’s easy to make impulsive decisions even when the odds are against us. Instead of throwing a coin in the air, act on instinct; check the data on the sheets or your group of trusted advisors. Make decisions based on concrete facts, not just the emotion of the moment.

  1. Difficulty of concentration

We only achieve one goal when we visualize it mentally clearly. However, our imagination tends to disperse and ends up overwhelming us. See everything more clearly by separating your thoughts. Create mental “boxes” and separate the various areas of your business. Spend time thinking separately about sales, marketing, income, and expenses. Otherwise, the convergence of all will become unbearable.

  1. Complicated calculations

This mental block is related to the previous one. Instead of making quick and insignificant decisions, we usually make deliberate and vital decisions. There are times that we could simply ask a friend for an opinion, but we let the problems accumulate. Too many calculations only complicate the process. Ask yourself: “What is the fastest and safest way to achieve a certain result?” Then put it into practice.