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10 Ways To Get The Perfect Night Sleep

Did you feel well rested this morning?

I slept great. I spent the morning thinking about how important that great night of sleep was to my energy levels for the day. I’ve learned a few things about getting the perfect night sleep and I thought I’d tell you a few of my secrets.

When I think of the perfect night sleep, I think about laying down in bed and not thinking about any of the problems I’m having. Then I wake up the next morning ready to start a new day. That perfect night sleep usually starts within 15 minutes of relaxation and isn’t interrupted by worries that I might have been having for the rest of the day.

Another useful thing to consider in your quest for a good night’s sleep is how you felt about the dreams you had. Bad dreams are a clear sign of not getting restful sleep. You’ll be tossing and turning throughout the night and not maximizing stress relief and relaxation.

Your body needs a great night sleep every single night. That’s the time that your body is able to recover from the stresses it faced throughout the day.

It’s the only part of the day that everything can be repaired. Your body and mind stresses itself throughout the waking hours. Getting a good night sleep is needed to bring yourself back up to par for the next day. Waking up multiple times and not being able to get comfortable are not a good form of sleep. My research center actually recently received an article that showed people that snore aren’t getting as powerful a night sleep. Many actually interrupt their own sleep up hundreds of different times  through snoring every night. That’s definitely not what we’re looking for. It may be best to think about it this way. If you’ve been particularly stressed, or you can’t fall asleep on your mattress, or if sleep has been interrupted for any other reason, your brain and body cannot repair itself.

You’re body will end up a little worse off every single morning Your metabolism will be suffering more and more every single day.

Catching up on that sleep doesn’t work. Many people say that they catch up on their sleep during the weekends because they don’t have time during the week. That is nothing but a myth. At no point has it been proven to work. The sleeping pattern you use needs to be on a consistent, daily basis to help the body repair itself. Catching up is still hurting your mind everyday of the week and extra sleep on the weekends doesn’t do any good.

How much sleep is enough for health?
The classic number is still the best. 8 hours of sleep every night is the goal. There are ways you can reduce that need for sleep by a couple of hours. You’ll need to eat great. You’ll need to work out regularly. On top of that, every hour of sleep needs to be completely restful. That can work to lower the need to around 6 hours per night but not much lower.

More people are on the opposite end of that spectrum though. People that go through lots of stress throughout the day need more than 8 hours sleep. A bodybuilder, for example, need significantly more time asleep to recover from the excess stresses put on the body. They require more time for recovery then the average person for complete stress relief. While bodybuilders might be an obvious example, anyone can require more sleep if they stress themselves out enough throughout the day.

How can you make sure that you and those around you get the perfect night sleep every night?

10 Ways To Get The Perfect Night Sleep

With these tips you can have the perfect night sleep tonight (and then repeat every night after.)
Tsvetan Petrov is a health writer and regular contributor to his website Get Holistic Health.