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Cognition Factor in the Education Process

College students need to meet the objectives of the classrooms and courses. It is important for them to be able to acquire new knowledge and skill. By learning about a subject, students should be able to learn about something and to ensure that they have reached this, they need to pass the required tests. It is important to be aware that the learning process doesn’t happen only in the classroom, but it could also happen in the mind of these students. Students should have the mental capacity, attitude and mindset that ensures real progress. The class condition should also be optimal and the educational institutions should also prepare the right kind of material. It is important to be aware that some students could have less connection to the learning process. For this reason, teachers should be able to encourage active interaction and involvement in the classroom. However, active involvement doesn’t occur automatically for all students. Some of them may need extra instructions, so they will be able to completely follow the learning process of the class. Instructors should know how to properly work with students and each progress must be properly monitored.

Cognition is an important factor during the education process and it’s related with how our mind accepts and processes information. Students should be able to properly control the information and knowledge flow. Each student has different cognition level and instructors should be able to determine the degree of mindset and perception of the students. Some students even have resistant perception about the educational process and they are unable to process a large volume of information in the classroom. While other students are willing to accept new information, they could become only passive recipients and unwilling to have active interactions. Due to the difference in characteristics, the learning material should be designed to deal with these types of students. By using proper methods, teachers should be able to better engage the mind of their students. Information will be received, filtered and processed more efficiently, even by students who are less receptive to the learning process. In many cases, students need to attend many classes and they are overwhelmed by the volume of information that needs to be processed.

It is quite unfortunate that our brain has limited capacity and it can’t store too much information. Instead, our brain tends to filter information that’s more interesting and relevant. When review things that we still remember from school classrooms, they are often related and relevant to our existing knowledge and skill. In order for learning material to become long-term memory, we should make sure that it’s related to our existing knowledge. A math formula should be related to something in our daily life. Teachers should provide real-life examples for any complex formula and abstract concept. Students should be asked to relate the learning material with what they already know. There should be a context in the learning process, so regardless of the learning material and information; we should make sure that students find it interesting and relevant with things around them.