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Effective Strategies For Environmental Conservation

Effective Strategies for Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation is a major concern for all the inhabitants of the earth. We are approaching times where we can no longer ignore the detrimental impact caused on the environment by our actions. Nature continues to suffer at the hands of global citizens, and one of the biggest threat to human existence remains climate change. Not just humans, but most living beings on earth cannot sustain in a world where the average temperature conditions are rapidly changing. This has many implications because, in different regions across the planet, temperatures have either drastically increased, or plummeted.

The region of Western Hemisphere continues to experience record-breaking winters. Just the past winter, the city of Chicago in the United States had temperatures dropped to a record level. The citizens of Chicago were not prepared to face such a winter, which resulted in a number of casualties, and the normal life was disrupted. On the other hand, different regions in South Asia continue to face mind-boggling heatwaves every year, which causes a lot of problems for the people. None of these regions are prepared to tackle the changes in temperatures, and it seems impossible to go live life in such weather conditions.

It brings us to a major realization that environmental conservation has become a priority. No matter how much the administration shows opposition regarding the world uniting to fight against climate changebut , the problem still remains dire for human beings.

Environmentalists have proposed different strategies for eradicating environmental problems and implementing conservation. In this regard, here is what can be done:

Reducing Carbon Footprint

A large number of industrial giants are engaged in activities which results in a great degree of increase in their carbon footprint. Carbon footprint refers to the amount of carbon dioxide that is emitted into the atmosphere as a consequence of manufacturing, production, or operational activities of an organization, individual, or community as a whole. Industries that rely on burning fossil fuel need to take measures towards shifting to renewable energy. Many countries, as well as corporations, are already taking steps towards reducing their carbon footprints. The federal governments of various countries have imposed sanctions on corporations and industries who are not reducing their carbon footprint.

Retrofitting and Renewable Energy

Retrofitting of old energy consuming systems and methods can help in reducing the carbon footprint, especially if we opt for renewable energy sources. A good example remains the project led by Al Etihad Energy Services in Hatta, a district that is located near to the city of Dubai. The project is about the implementation of solar power systems, installing solar panels in over 600 households that would consist of more than 7000 photovoltaic solar panels. The total production of energy through this project will be over 3.6 million kWh. Al Etihad Energy Service’s Al Hatta project is a stunning example of the conservation of energy by using renewable models.