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Website’s UX Design Tips for Your Website that Boosts Conversion Rate

The excellent user experience on your website positively reinforces your overall customer conversion rate. It includes a unique flow in your site, along with great and well-versed interface and web design. If you focused on making the best user experience for your site, it would give you various advantages such as more users visiting your site, longer retention, and a higher rate of conversion.

In this article, we will be showing you eight different user experience (UX) design tips to ensure your higher number of converted users to customers.

What is User Experience?

The user experience or the UX of your website is the overall experience of your users when they are in your site. It is composed of the look of the site or its design, the feel or the appropriateness of the site depending on your audience, and the usability of the whole website. Think of it as the overall experience they are having in a physical store, but online. We always want the best, meaningful, and relevant experience to our users when they enter our site.

People tend to leave a particular site when it has a poor website UX. It gives an adverse effect to your complete business since it can negatively affect the traffic of your business since the website is not enticing enough to reinforce their attention and interest. It may look like a waste of time for them.

How Does UX Design Boost In Conversion Rate?

Your e-commerce site should feature the best user experience to your visitors. Since we all aim an excellent user experience, it should produce you more conversions of your users to customers. A good UX is composed of elements that are common to people, especially to your target audiences. If you make everything in your site a perfect fit to your target audience, such as how they view your site, what piques their attention, how to keep their attention, and so on, you will get a higher conversion rate in no time. This technique is where you insert your knowledge about your audience since all of this tweaking are for your target customers.

Here are eight more ways to create the best experience for your users:

1. Clear Call-to-Action Buttons

Call to action buttons are the entryway of user conversion into your valuable customers. These are the buttons that say “start your free trial,” “join our mail list,” “download the app,” and more. To make it more effective and efficient, you need to create a clear and concise call to action button to improve the UX of your website.

The first thing you should do is creating an enticing copy for your CTA button. It should be more personalized, action-oriented, and simple. For example, instead of saying “avail your free one month now,” you can write “start your journey now.”

Lastly, you should focus on the color of the button. It should not be your background color or your primary color. Your main aim here is to make your button stand out among the design of your site.

2. Responsive Website

All of your audiences are not only using a desktop computer as their primary device accessing your site. A significant portion of them is using their mobile devices. There are various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and so on. This phenomenon is an opening for you to capitalize and integrate into your user experience. You can benefit by making your site mobile-responsive.

Mobile-responsive sites are the websites that adjust in different screen sizes of mobile devices. Your site should be fit for any size of a phone; even if it is an iPhone or Samsung or any phone, your site should work correctly. With this, your website is not hindering any interaction with your users.

3. Accessible Website

Making your site accessible to all is a great way to raise your conversion rates because you are clearing out any hurdle that may hinder from accessing your site in the best way possible. For example, there will be users of your site who are visually-impaired. For them, you can help them access the site by creating a friendly design for them like opting for a simplified or minimalistic design. Another instance is when your website has video content, you may choose to put closed captions for your users who may have difficulty in hearing. This strategy is a win-win situation for you since you are catering to them who are also potential customers for your business.

4. Quick Page Loading Time

You would not want your website to have a high bounce rate just because of your slow page loading time. Once they are in your site, you need to load all of your elements and features in the fastest way possible. More than three seconds of loading time will trigger your users to go to another site, and it is terrible for your conversion rates.

You can solve this by checking your page speed through different tools available online, such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights, and more. The online tools can show you what parts of your site needs attention and will give you different suggestions on how to improve your overall page speed.

5. Emotional Design

Emotional design is the use of any elements with positive emotion in the overall design of your website. These elements include visuals like photos and videos, layouts, colors, and more. This technique is used to mimic the expected feelings of your customer when purchasing in your site. Also, it creates a stronger connection between you and your customers.

It is good that your site is usable, reliable, and functional in all terms and sectors; however, it is also essential to look if your website is pleasurable and gives contentment to your various customers. This thinking can lead you to get a higher conversion rate from your users.

6. Trust signals

Trust signals are essential in getting a higher conversion rate and revenue. These are the features that help the users to trust you in any form. All purchases will not happen if the customer is not trusting the shop or the business.

Using customer reviews is one trust signal you can use in your site. They show different comments about your product or business by showing satisfaction through a form of testimonial. Also, being an online shop, you need to make your users trust you in handling different payments. You can provide different payment methods, and not only one. When working with credit card payments, you can show your certifications such as SSL certificates to prove that their personal information is safe with you.

7. Basic Checkout Process

For e-commerce businesses, one of their main problems is the abandonment of users’ shopping carts. It strongly affects the revenue of the company. Most users are doing this because of the complicated checkout process when ordering online, when in fact, it should not be complicated and should show simplicity for the interest of our customers.

You need to summarize everything that is in the user’s cart and show the total price of the cart as early as when they are still shopping in your site. This strategy lets your user be aware of the amount of their cart and not be shocked when it is time for checkout. For the fields to be filled out by the user, include only the necessary ones and not get any other information that you would not use.

8. Analytics Tools

Analytics is essential for the maintenance of your website. It is a significant way to look at your site because it will show all reports, data, and information about your site. Data is the answer to maintaining a good user experience in your website.

Analytics will show various data about your design and UX. It will give you an idea about your strong points and weak points. From there, you will know what parts of your site needs improving for better user experience for the site. There are various analytics tools available online. Not only it will increase your conversion rate, but also it will influence your search engine page rankings.

Author Bio

Kenneth Sytian is the CEO of Sytian Productions a web design company in the Philippines. He has been designing websites and developing web apps for more than a decade. He is regarded as one of the top influencers in web design and development in the Philippines. You can connect with Kenneth on LinkedIn and Follow his Company page on Facebook & Twitter.