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Enjoying the Winter as a Student

Autumn means lots of things to lots of people. To some it’s sad: the end of the summer, and the turn towards darker, colder days and longer night. To others the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is a favourite time of year, perfect for long walks in the day and cosy nights.

To students, the autumn means going back to school. Whether you’re heading off to vintage rooms looking out on the dreaming spires of Oxford or the student housing Huddersfield University offers, most students will be feeling the same mixture of trepidation and excitement as another term rolls around: there’s work to do, but also friends to catch up with and fun to be had, so today we’re taking a look at enjoying the autumn and winter as a student and making the most of them.

Save The Big Dates

The run up to Christmas brings with it lots of big social dates – clubs and societies tend to organise balls and parties for this time, as well as end of year celebrations with your course mates, housemates and other friends. On top of that, you may have big deadlines and exams as well, so you need to get organised. Even if you’re not the calendar type, check with your professors, friends and any other social groups and make sure you’re not setting yourself to be double booked. Bouncing between two parties could be fun for an evening, but not if you also have a big exam the next day!

Keeping track of these dates lets you plan around them and make sure you’re ready to have the best possible time, and won’t have to back out of anything.

Embrace the Cold

As time passes and the winter tightens its grip, it’s going to get cold. Obviously you need to stay warm to stay healthy, but don’t completely shut yourself off from the outside world. Finding a local park or common and taking a hearty walk in the cold is a good alternative to the usual student pursuits of studying and pubs.

Getting out in the fresh air is a good way to diffuse the stress of essay deadlines, it costs nothing and you’ll find it a lot less crowded than in the height of the summer. A walk on a cold winter day also makes the first drink in the pub afterwards feel that much more rewarding.